Tuesday, November 24, 2020

100WC Week Seven

The Week Seven 100 word challenge prompt is this part of a sentence:

"... he felt really ill..."

There are a lot of places you could go in your 100 words with this prompt since it is so simple. Think about: Had he done something to make him ill? What might happen? Will his illness be a problem for others?

Submit the URL of your blog post here to receive comments.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

100WC Week Six

 The 100 word challenge this week is including the following five words in your writing piece:

                                 Rolling        Crafty        Leaves        Castle        White    

Submit your URL here.

Sunday, September 20, 2020

100WC Week 10

 Your prompt this week is:

"...they never should have said yes..."

Things to consider: Who is 'they'?   What have they agreed to?   Why is it a problem?

Post your URL here to receive feedback.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

100WC Week Nine

Here is the picture prompt for the 100 word challenge this week. Write an exciting 100 word entry that wows everyone that reads it! Click here to submit your post. 

Sunday, August 23, 2020

100WC Week Six

This week's prompt is the photo below - there are many different perspectives and ideas you could incorporate so get creative! Are you the polar bear or someone who spotted the polar bear? How has this polar bear got itself into this situation? Once you've written your 100WC, submit the URL to the link here so that people can view it and leave comments!

Thursday, August 13, 2020

100WC Week Four

 The prompt this week you must include in your 100 word challenge is the phrase:

"...but when I looked behind me..."

Once you've written and edited your piece, post it on your blog. Submit your post to this URL to receive feedback!

Sunday, July 26, 2020

100WC Week Two

This week's 100WC is another prompt to include somewhere in your 100 words. Remember to edit your writing after you've finished to check for capital letters and full stops - they really make or break a writing piece... especially a short one! Here is this week's prompt:

"...then the crowd erupted with laughter..."

Login then post your URL to this weeks blog post here. Once you have done this, leave three comments on people's posts from last week, which you will find here. Helpful, high quality feedback only.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week One 100WC

Our 100WC prompt for this week is a phrase you must include somewhere in your 100 word writing piece. Get creative - you might want to think about basing your story on something that happened in your holiday, or something you wished had happened! Or, it could be nothing to do with your holidays at all!

"... then it began..."

Log in with our class account, and then post your URL here to the 100WC to get feedback.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Term Two Reflection

Take time to reflect and think about this term, and answer these questions. Give detail for each answer.

1. What is one thing you have achieved this term you are proud of? 
2. What are three things you have done to be IDEAL this term? Give examples, and relate each one to a school value.
3. How have you contributed to the caring classroom environment of Room 13?
4. What is one goal you have, related to your learning, for the rest of the year in Room 13?
5. Think about the holidays - what is one thing you are really looking forward to? Why?

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Week Twelve 100WC

Our last 100 word challenge blog post for this term has a sentence prompt. You must include the statement below somewhere in your 100 words, whether it be at the start, the end, or somewhere in between. The prompt is:

"... and then I saw it ..."

Submit the URL of your post to this link, just like we do every week.  If you finish early, it would be a great idea to give some feedback to other bloggers from last week's task. Click here for a link of those who did last week's task.

Having a Rippa of a time...

This week we were lucky enough to have two coaches from North Otago Rugby come in and run us through some Rippa Rugby drills and games. Here are some snaps from the second day!!


Sunday, June 21, 2020

Week Eleven 100WC

This week's writing prompt is a funny picture! Use it to inspire your 100 word challenge blog post... maybe you are the man on the right of the picture, or perhaps someone stuck in the car... you could even write from the perspective of the bear! Post your URL to this link here to receive comments.

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Extra Blogging Prompts

Here are two extra photo prompts to use in blogging this week. Choose whichever photo you prefer and then write a post based on them - using them as part of your plot, setting or characters. As these aren't 100 word challenge posts the posts can be longer than 100 words!

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Week 10 100WC

This week, you must include the following sentence somewhere in your writing. Remember, it can be at the start, somewhere in the middle, or at the very end of your 100 words. This sentence is certainly one you can get very creative with! The sentence is:

"... then the Elephant delivered his speech..."

Submit your awesome 100 word challenge to this link here. Remember to use the login on the whiteboard, and ensure the URL you copy and paste is the URL of that specific post!

Badminton Practice

On Friday, Room 13 were lucky enough to have two senior St Kevin's students run a Badminton skills session with them. Lots of fun was had all around and here are the snaps to prove it! We are looking forward to an Athletics focused session next week.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

100WC Week Nine

The prompt this week is 5 words, which you must include in your 100 word challenge post. It is up to you how you include them, and you may use them in any order. Ensure you know what all of the words mean before you start writing! The five words are:

gold      viola     searched     lost     ancient 

Once you have written your post, click here, login and submit your post to the weekly list. I look forward to reading how you incorporate the words into your post this week - happy blogging!

Monday, June 1, 2020

100WC Week Eight

This weeks prompt is a sentence - you must include it in your 100 word blog piece somewhere but it is up to you where! It would make a great final sentence, or maybe even in the middle of your writing - just make sure it makes sense! The sentence you must include is:

"... that's when I knew, I should run...."

Things to think about:
- Where are you?
- What are you doing?
- Who or what are you running from?
- Why run, why not stay still or even walk?

Once you have posted to your blog, click on this link, log in to our class account and fill in the form with your post URL. Then, leave two high quality comments on other people's blogs.

Sunday, May 24, 2020

100WC Week Seven

Here is our first ever official 100 Word Challenge post - woohoo! Using this picture prompt, write a blog post which is 100 words long, then post it to your blog. Log in to the 100WC here using my login, and then submit your post using your URL to get feedback. Leave comments on other people's post if you would like.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Week Six Blogging Challenge

This is the last week of the blogging challenge until it restarts in October! The theme for the final week is reflecting. Complete the first two tasks, and the third too if you are looking for a challenge!

Task #1: Complete a short survey on the blogging challenge to give the authors some feedback on what you enjoyed! Click here for the link to the survey.

Task #2: Write a post on your blog reflecting on your participation in the blogging challenge. Here are some ideas you could answer in your post:
- How many weeks of the challenge did you participate in?
- How many comments did you receive in total?
- Which post of yours was most popular?
- Which post did you enjoy writing the most and why?
- What are your plans for your blog now? Will you keep posting? What kind of stuff might you post on your blog?

Task #3: Your Blogging Plans - Write a post about how you plan to keep blogging. What topics might you blog about? How often will you blog? Is there certain school work you would like to publish on your blog?

Post the URL of your second and third task to this link here to receive feedback. Make sure you do this as it is the last week you will be able to get awesome comments from the lovely commenters!

Then, leave your own comments on other student blogs. Click here to search blogs.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Week Five Blogging Challenge

It's time to have some fun with emojis! What's so great about emoji's you might ask? The great thing about emojis is that they are a universal language - people from all around the world understand the same meaning for each emoji, no matter what language they speak! 😊 🙌 💛

Pick one of the four emoji challenges to blog about this week:

1. Emoji Story Prompt - go to byrdseed.com/emoji2. You'll see one random emoji. Press "and then" to continue writing your story. Once you have written it, take a screenshot of your emoji and post it on your blog for people to see. 

2. Emoji Guessing Game - make a quiz! You could either create a Kahoot, google slides quiz, or just as a typed quiz on your blog post. Use the emojis to spell out things that they have to guess - it might be book or movie titles, foods, countries... whatever you can think of!

3. Emoji Maths - go to solvemoji.com, where emojis are used in maths puzzles! Try some of these puzzles and get some inspiration from this website. Then, create some of your own maths puzzles. Here's a google doc tutorial from another teacher to help you make a post of your own.

4. Emoji Art - get creative! You could hand draw an emoji, take a picture of it and upload it to your blog, or make your own emoji on a google doc. You could even go to http://emoji.ink/ to create an artwork using emojis - then take a screenshot of it. 

Submit the URL of your blog post about emojis to this link here so other people can see your fantastic work. Then, check out some other blogs and leave them some feedback!

Thursday, April 30, 2020

Week Four - Blogging Challenge

Students participating in the Student Blogging Challenge come from more than 100 schools across the world! This weeks blogging challenge is all about the school that you go to.

You can choose one of the eight ideas in the post below, or you can come up with your own idea. You might even want to discuss the differences between normal school, and the online learning we are doing at the moment!

Once you have written an awesomely interesting post (hopefully!) - submit the URL to this form here so others can see your post. Then, check out other student blogs and leave them some feedback!

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Week Three - Earth Day Blogging Challenge

Have you heard of Earth Day? Every year it is celebrated on the 22nd of April, all around the world. This year, Earth Day celebrated it's 50th year of celebration!

This week, you are going to choose an environmental topic that's interesting and important to you, and use your blog to let everyone know about protecting and restoring our planet.

Pick a topic related to the environment (some ideas below!), and explain to people why you think it is important. Research some interesting facts about your issue and include some actions that people can take to try and minimise the problem. Think about us in Oamaru, and New Zealand specifically - what can we do? Include photos if you want to.

Then, submit your URL to this link here. Browse other student blogs and leave them feedback.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Week Two - Student Blogging Challenge

The Student Blogging Challenge team have decided this week is a catch up or free blog choice week! You can either look back on the past three weeks of blogging and complete a task you either started and didn't finish, or didn't even start, or you can publish a blog post on anything you like!

Click here for a link with 50 cool blogging prompt ideas if you're stuck for your free choice idea.

Once you have written your post, as always, click here to submit the URL of your post here to this link.

Then visit at least one other blog and leave a comment! Find the list of the blogs here.

Friday, April 10, 2020

Week One - Blogging Challenge

Welcome back Room 13! This week, we are going to continue with the online learning we began in the first few days of lockdown. Lucky for us the blogging challenge is still going so we will continue to participate in this.

This weeks theme is is "Fun with Images." In class, we talked about how you can't just copy work from Google - this is called plagiarism. It is the same with images and pictures - unless you've taken them or made them, you can't just use them and pretend they're yours! Here are some tips on how to safely use images on your blogs:

There are three tasks to choose from, all in the picture below. Select one of them, and then post it on your blog. Submit the URL of that blog post here - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd3P_-FYfxL0llSiMEDhQ6fGdlkVoWZ8M_zO_W3YQo-dhsOUA/viewform - so that you can receive comments!

Then, go leave some comments on other people's blogs - https://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/mar-2020-students/. Any questions, email me!

Monday, March 30, 2020

Blogging Challenge

Hi team! Even though it is technically school holidays a few of you have emailed asking for extra work to do so I thought I'd keep posting the weekly Student Blogging Challenges. As I said in my email these are optional to do.

The theme of this weeks blogging is: "Connect Through Commenting!" You need to think about what makes a blog comment high quality, or low quality. In the poster below are some ideas to get you thinking about the topic.

Your task this week is to share your commenting guidelines on your blog - either in a text post, a poster you've made or any other creative ways you can think of! If someone wanted to leave a comment on a blog, but had never done it before, what things do you think they need to know?
Publish the post, and submit the URL of the post to this google form so you can receive comments: https://forms.gle/9gJPVR7W7rKMSHvX8

Then, look at other people's blogs and leave some feedback 

Happy blogging!!

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Week Seven + Eight: The Blogging Challenge Begins

This week, there are three tasks in the blogging challenge. Everyone has two weeks to complete the Week One tasks, meaning we will each have two sessions blogging to achieve these three things.

Week Seven

1. Make your own avatar, and upload it to your blog. Go to http://avatarmaker.abi-station.com/index_en.shtml and make an avatar that looks like you. Download it once you are done. On Blogger, go to settings, user settings, user profile - edit, and update your profile photo.

Then, write a new blog post explaining how your avatar looks similar to you. Upload the photo of your avatar to this blog post too.

Fill out this Google form with the URL of your blog post - this is how others are able to see and comment on your blog! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf47bCnHAsujvxr6ORhuIzv7QsWxj96lqNnYPeu_-a9jaGBoQ/viewform

Week Eight

2. Write an 'About' column on your page, introducing yourself to other bloggers. Tell people your first name, your age/year level, and about some of your interests. Go to Blogger, layout, then add a sidebar gadget 'Text.' Click save arrangement once you have written a little about yourself.

3. Visit other people's blogs and leave comments! Scroll to the bottom of this page https://studentchallenge.edublogs.org/mar-2020-students/ and select some blogs to look at. Read what the bloggers have posted, and comment on their posts.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

2020 OIS Swimming Sports

Today was our annual OIS Swimming Sports. For three hours, students swam, swam and swam some more! Room 13 students swam in a range of 25m and 50m races, as well as in the house relay. While Rata may have won the house relay, Konini took the overall Swimming Sports win. A big congratulations to everyone who participated and made the day such a great success!


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week Five Blogging Task

It is a brand new month - March! Have a think about what events are coming up this month.. there is the school swimming sports, triathlon, maybe you have some exciting sports games or plans for the weekend!

What are three things this month you are you most excited about? List them, and give details about what they are, and why you are looking forward to these things!

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week Four Blogging Task

To help your blog readers get to know you, write a list of 10 things that make you happy.

For each thing, write one sentence explaining why it makes you happy. If you want to write more than one sentence for each thing you can!

For example: #1: Playing sport. I love playing sports because it is fun, I get to hang out with my friends and get some exercise.