Sunday, July 26, 2020

100WC Week Two

This week's 100WC is another prompt to include somewhere in your 100 words. Remember to edit your writing after you've finished to check for capital letters and full stops - they really make or break a writing piece... especially a short one! Here is this week's prompt:

"...then the crowd erupted with laughter..."

Login then post your URL to this weeks blog post here. Once you have done this, leave three comments on people's posts from last week, which you will find here. Helpful, high quality feedback only.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Week One 100WC

Our 100WC prompt for this week is a phrase you must include somewhere in your 100 word writing piece. Get creative - you might want to think about basing your story on something that happened in your holiday, or something you wished had happened! Or, it could be nothing to do with your holidays at all!

"... then it began..."

Log in with our class account, and then post your URL here to the 100WC to get feedback.